9:03 PM
More on the young deaths...

This is the same graph as the one below with Hong Kong data added in. Hong Kong appears in the middle between SGP and TO. The HK data is "smoother" because there are more data points (ie more deaths). I've also added some transparency to the HK data so you can see that at the top end, there are more HK cases than Canadian cases (ie more cases over the age of 80).
Because of the number of cases, the HK data probably paints a more accurate depiction of the death toll of SARS.
Yet again, the Singapore numbers are alarmingly "young" giving rise to many questions: Is there a different virus in Singapore (a different strain)? Is the pattern of transmission different? Is treatment in Singapore less effective or inappropriate for younger victims?
The data does suggest that if you get SARS then Canada is the best place to be to get proper care... unless of course they simply had an unusual number of old people getting the virus.
One thought that pops to mind: has Singaporean's overuse of antibiotics had some negative effect on their immune systems such that they cannot cope as well with this virus? At least one of the young fatalities was not a Singapore national (a Philippino nurse) so this might nto be the answer...