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This is an old SARS blog no longer being updated. It includes:
(i) independent statistical analysis
(ii) reporting of SARS in Singapore,
(iii) the occasional oddball article, and
a search engine for the Singapore MOH SARS pages not available at that site.

  Search the Singapore MOH SARS page


Thursday, May 29, 2003

Please note that I'm away for the next week raising money for Action For AIDS on their bi-annual Riding For Life charity drive. 900Km of cycling in 38C heat! Wish me luck!


The Excel Datasheet has been updated with 29th May WHO figures.

Taiwan has finally surpassed China as having the highest SARS risk! What a mess. See the file for details.


Sunday, May 25, 2003

Is Hong Kong really safe?
The Excel Datasheet has been updated with 24th May WHO figures.

According to my risk ranking - no (see below for definition).
riskrank2.gif (12875 bytes)

The indicators of risk are the number of new cases in the last 10 days and the number of sick people still in the system. Until Hong Kong drops below a raitng of "6" I think that they are far from all clear. The fact the WHO has taken them off their list of worst affected countries seems to indicate a change in criteria.

stillsick.gif (4977 bytes)

Just for your info, here's the list of the highest number of cases reported during any 10 day period for various countries...

10days.gif (3835 bytes)


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